The Definitions
“ Toy ” has many definitions. One interesting meaning is that a toy is something that can be touched and enjoyed. But in the meaning of “ Children’s Toy ” has an extended meaning. The enjoyment must include the Safety Standard and appropriate Child’s Development .
Therefore, in the selection of toys, it is the parents’ duty to choose toys that are useful and appropriate for the development of children at each age range. In addition to the selection of toys , parent also have a duty to provide guidance on how to play and also play together with their children in order to learn the behavior.
This little guide is the basis for choosing the right toys to get the most benefit for our kids.
Why Toy is so important?
Toy is one of the most important things for children. Every child is born to play with toys, whether they are handmade toys or ready-made toys that are sold in the market. Play with toy is not just a game playing but it is the main task of children .Because , in addition to having fun and enjoyment of playing with toy ,toys are also an important part to enhance the natural Child’s Development in all 4 areas, including Physical, Emotional, Social and Intelligence Development. For example, we don’t have to teach children how to count numbers, which is against the learning nature of children. But we just let children playing with toys that enhance Mathematical Skills. What children will get is to learn counting naturally.
How children learn through toys.
The nature of early childhood learning is learning by doing with the use of the 5 senses. The more they play, the more they learn, so toys are media that aims for children’s learning by hands-on action. When children play with toys, they will experience of being picked up ,pounding, pulling, pushing, trial and error, thinking, solving problems, imagining, creative, interacting with others .Resulting in learning in various skills, resulting in children being able to play with toys that are more difficult and develop in ordering. Including the development of 4 areas:
Physical Development : Children will develop Fine Motor Skills by picking up, holding, pressing and dropping And develope large muscles by pulling, dragging, balancing, body movements as well as developing Hand-Eye Coordination. These developments will develop naturally when children play with toys. Children will learn to use their hands in fun. It will be helpful for future children to use their hands to hold spoon and fork, to write and self-caring such as ,buttoning , zipping etc.
Emotional development: All toys are fun-filled, and when children play with them, there is something going on. The feeling of happiness is expressed by smiling, laughing and applauding
Social development: Children develop interactions with others by playing toy together. Some toys can be played by several children at once. Children learn to share , understand and respect the rules. These are the foundations for learning to accept others . Intellectual Development: Children develop mathematic skill ,language skills, problem solving thinking, trial and error, imagination, creativity. By these developments children will naturally experience by the time they play with toys.
Why Toy Selection is so important ?
Choosing toys for our children is not difficult, we just have to know what age our children are, and how is the development of our children . We therefore be able to choose toys that match our children’s age .Some parent buy toy that the child still cannot play so they thought the child ‘s development is slow .In fact Parents should understand that children have their own development ,we have to give our children the opportunity to play.Though they still couldn’t play the first time. But if they play repeatedly, he must be able to play for sure.
One important thing is do not buy toy
that is too difficult for the child’s age .Some parent want the child to develop better and faster therefore choose to buy toy over child’s age .The result is the child can’t play that toy and resulting in discouragement and make the child do not want to play that toy again . This will make the child feel unconfident because he thought he couldn’t do it .It will affect future development as well.
Parents, therefore, should understand that If you are going to choose a toy for your child to play with, please choose toys that match his age Children should learn from easy to difficult in ordering .

Selection of toys according to the child’s age
There are many different types of toys, but how to choose toys that are suitable for children?
The most important point to consider is the age of the child .Children of different age have different development.
So what parents should be aware of most is to choose toys that are appropriate for the age of the child.
The toys of each age of preschool child will be different as follows

Age 1-12 months
• Toys for children aged 1-3 months should be toy that stimulate children’s vision , hearing and touching , because children at this age like to look at things that move , have clear patterns, have sound and colorful . Attracting when children use various senses, including seeing, hearing, touching, it will develop. Therefore, toys that are suitable for children this age, it is a mobile toy, a soft toy with sound, texture and easy shapes.
• Toys for children aged 4-6 months. Kids at this age like surfaces with different texture .The toys should encourage more hand use for the children to pick up, touch a variety of surfaces.
In addition, children begin to develop the eyes and hands to work together, the child will try to reach for certain objects. Therefore, toys suitable for this age group are ball with sound toys that use rattles to make sounds or toys with a variety of textures and shapes
• Toys for children aged 6-10 months. Children can do more about using fingers to pick things up ,compare to previous age .Toys that will encourage children of this age is a toy that children can pick up, use their fingers to press, hold, spin, etc.
• Toys for 10-12 months old children at this age are already starting to stand and learn to walk. Therefore, toys should stimulate the development of walking. Suitable toy is a toy for learning to walk that allow children to stand and walk forward steadily
It can be seen that children of different ages also play differently. Therefore, it is the duty of the parents to will choose the right toys for the child .If the child receives the right learning appropriate to his development, the child will develop appropriately and ready to learn in every subject

Age 1 – 3 years old
This naughty child wants to bounce for the body. Especially Riding Toys such as Small Tricycle ,Ball ,Inflatible Toy , Montessori Wooden Toys .Wooden Blocks and Wooden Stacker.
At the age of 2 years the child will start role playing by imitate whatever surrounded .Interested in
Multi-Function Toy such as Pretend Play Kitchen ,Tea Set Crockery Set, Musical Instrument with various sounds and maybe a Puzzle Game.
3 – 5 years old
Children of this age are very good at imitating, they like to act like their parent and generate their own imagination.
Children will be delighted with costumes clothing sets, counterfeit money Wooden Role Play Kitchen which simulate real life.
In a child’s world toy is not only thing to play for fun ,it is also a friend and a protester .
One bear doll may have supported a child to handle many uncomfortable situations.
Sometimes children will share their feeling to toys that they consider to be their partners This will help children to balance and control their emotion instead of depressing themselves alone and caused stress inside their mind.
Another type of toy that is liked by children this age are transportation toys such as Car Truck Train Airplane and Ship .Wheel Toys such as bicycles ,Tricycles .Children may learn riding bicycle at this age .
Memory Skill and Mental Mathematic should also be developed at this age by playing Imaginationally and Mentally with Chess Board Game and some game like Scrabble also Montessori Wooden Toys .Wooden Blocks and Wooden Stacker.

6 Age 6 – 9 years old
Children will be more social but they are still sometime want to play alone .They are more curious about the world around them. Toys at this age should be able to reinforce those skills .Such as sports game played on a table,Work Bench ,Miniatures ,Scientific experiment equipment, Remote Control Car, etc.
Children of this age are very active and flexible .They are very good for Cycling, Wheel Skating and playing other sport equipments Even children enjoy playing in groups but they also can play alone. Art supplies such as crayons, watercolors, plasticine, clay, character costumes, dolls, and small objects can help develop imagination and creativity as well.
Video games will begin to attract the attention of children of this age.
A good quality game will develop coordination, planning, dexterity and visual acuity skills. hands and thoughts But it takes an adult’s prudence to choose a harmless video game. and not too strong
9 – 12 years old
Children begin to develop individual skills and core interests of life .At this age he will be more interested in various hobbies, more interested in complex play such as woodworking, construction, magic props. More complex puzzle games and science experiment equipment .This age needs recognition from friends and like to play as a team in many sports. Social and intellectual skills are sharpened with thinking and decision-making games such as chess, cards or other electronic games.
Children at this age like planning. and complete production Suitable play equipment such as doll dresser, doll house, puppet, art supplies such as paint, clay , carving tools and earthenwares including audio recorder books and musical instruments.